It’s not whether you
have failed, but whether you’re
content with your failure.

-Abraham Lincoln

What we do

We invest in answers to questions.  What are the questions?
Every day we ask questions without even knowing it; we wish that something could be simpler, was more intuitive or wonder why it isn’t more efficient. We are focused on empowering the individuals who embody visionary and inventor characteristics individually or marry them as a team, in a way that allows them to take the question they’ve answered from concept to reality

If you have answers to life’s challenges, we can help you share them with world.


Why we do it

Technology is the ultimate equalizer;
it is becoming increasingly inseparable from every part of our daily lives.

It has the power to create jobs, improve quality of life, increase efficiency, reduce our environmental impact and empower individuals.  The possibilities are endless. Frederick Douglass once said that “Without struggle, there can be no progress”.  We are committed to progress and will never be content with failure; in failure we will find success and our hope is that this persistence will become contagious.



Why 1865

1865 was a historical year.

1865 was a year of change that typifies the struggle between persistence and failure, but it marked the beginning of a long road to success; a road that we continue to travel, in pursuit of a more perfect union.  In 1865, many couldn’t see the success that would come… we can now see how far we have come, but we also know that there’s more road to be traveled…

We named ourselves after the year 1865, because we are committed to that journey and building on those past successes to reach even greater successes.


Our Vision

1865 is a US-based holding company that focuses on venture capital investments which leverage technology to meet the demands of a connected world. In doing so, we will help take these ideas move from the possible to the real and do our part to level the playing field, create opportunity and drive the kind of innovation that sustains progress.

To empower entrepreneurs with ideas that provide needed answers to questions that create opportunity, empower others and improve the world around them.


Our Projects

If you have answers to life’s challenges,
we can help you share them with world.

We Cannot Wait To Hear From You!

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